Tuesday 25 March 2014

MacGowan's best bitter patch

I have took the beer mat idea further and established another image of Shane MacGowan. I have used the same design as the first but on calico. It was great to try new embroidery stitches I have recently learnt such as the satin stitch and the back stitch.

Thursday 20 March 2014

MacGowen's Best Bitter

This is one of the first pieces for my new project which I have entitled 'Oh be joyful'. This project is looking into alcohol, why people drink, when people drink and drinking culture. This piece based on the singer songwriter of the Pogues , Shane MacGowen. I am hoping to try and put this among other beer mats in a pub and see what the reactions will be.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Final piece beginnings for Transparent

This is the start of my final piece for my current project. At the moment I have started to build the top compartment for my work that could be said to resemble a cabinet. I want to blend all of the places I have visited, objects I have collected and techniques I have learned in one 'conclusion'. I can say I am happy with the work so far.